Sametime 8.5
Rilasciata, finalmente, la versione 8.5 di Lotus Sametime come d'uso per le release di software in generale consigliamo di affidarsi ad uno specialista o , almeno, di leggere bene il "manuale" al fine di garantire che l'upgrade avvenga nelle migliori condizioni ed evitare problemi (Murphy è sempre in agguato!).
Non appena possibile vi diremo la nostra valutazione su questo importante upgrade che promette molto.
Per il recupero dei files di installazione procedete pure a scarcarli dai siti consueti sono già in linea.

In caso di necessità i nostri tecnici certificati possono supportarvi anche da remoto

Per essere contattati compilate
il modulo info

I punti salienti di questo Upgrade sono:

  • A new online meeting experience that is integrated into the IBM Lotus Sametime Connect client. Join a meeting with a single click. Easily invite others by dragging their names from the contact list. Accept meeting invitations with a single click. Upload meeting materials via simple drag and drop.
  • New zero-download, browser-based chat and meeting clients that extend the desktop experience to wherever the user is working.
  • A new standards-based audio and video infrastructure that enables more seamless interoperability with third party audio and video conferencing systems.
  • New audio and video codecs that provide higher quality native voice and video services for a more compelling collaborative experience out-of-the-box.
  • New Web 2.0 APIs that let developers embed Sametime capabilities into Web sites and applications so users switch context less.
  • A new, browser-based Apple iPhone chat client, support for the Blackberry Storm, and an improved mobile client for Microsoft® Windows® Mobile devices.
  • New social views that make it easier to find the people you collaborate with the most.
  • Deeper integration with Microsoft and Lotus products
  • A new System Console that centralizes infrastructure configuration, deployment, management, and policy management for all Sametime services.

Vittorio Orefice

Tags :  Sametime 

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Vittorio Orefice

Vittorio Orefice